Philips Сешоар EssentialCare 1200 W, Компактен
39.15 лв.
* - Стоката е в склад на официалния вносител на марката за България. Времето за доставка е обикновено от 1 до 3 работни дни. Възможно е към момента на завършване на поръчката, продукта да е вече изчерпан. В случай на изчерпана наличност ще се свържем с Вас
  • : BHC010/10
  • : Сешоари
  • : 2 Години
Улеснено Поръчване - като въведете само телефон и име:
Съгласен съм с Общите условия
Ще Ви потърсим в рамките на работния ден. Внимание: При грешен телефонен номер, нямаме начин да се свържем с Вас.
The Philips Essential Care hair dryer is cute, compact and powerful. 1200W power enables you to dry hair gently and quickly. Flexible caring settings are designed to meet different drying needs and offer extra care.
Информираме Ви, че въпреки нашите усилия не можем да гарантираме, че публикуваната информация и снимки не съдържат неточности или грешки, които не могат да бъдат правно основание за претенции.
  • Foldable handle

    This hair dryer benefits from a foldable handle. The result is a small, compact hair dryer that will easily pack into the smallest spaces and you can take virtually anywhere.
  • 1200W

    This 1200W hair dryer creates the optimum level of airflow and gentle drying power for beautiful results every day.
  • 3 pre-selected drying settings

    This compact hair dryer offers you 3 preselected heat & speed setting for cool, caring or quick drying.
  • Cool air setting

    A cool air setting allows you to dry hair at relatively low temperature to minimize damage, which is suitable for especially fine, dry and damaged hair. And it is a perfect setting for the hot summer season!
  • Compact size

    Compact and ergonomic, this hair dryer benefits from a clever modern design. This results in a dryer that is light and easy to handle.
  • Fast air setting

    Fast air setting offers higher temperature and more powerful air flow. Although the size is compact, the power of 1200W enables you to dry your hair in an efficient & gentle way.
  • ThermoProtect

    The ThermoProtect setting provides the optimal drying temperature while giving additional protection. The ThermoProtect optimal airflow and heat combination allows you to quickly dry your hair without overheating, maintaining your hair's natural moisture level, for shiny healthy looking hair.

Product TypeHairdryer
Speed Settings Qty3
Hair Care
Heat Settings Qty3
Foldable DesignYes
Included Brushes & ToolsConcentrator nozzle
FeaturesHanging ring, hot/cool heat switch
Compliant StandardsDirective 2012/19/EU
Power Consumption1200 W
Voltage220 V
Cord1.5 m
Product TypeHairdryer
Included Brushes & ToolsConcentrator nozzle
Power Consumption1200 W
Voltage220 V
Cord1.5 m
Speed Settings Qty3
Heat Settings Qty3
Foldable DesignYes
FeaturesHanging ring, hot/cool heat switch
Compliant StandardsDirective 2012/19/EU

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