AENO Electric Kettle EK2: 1850-2200W, 1.5L, Strix, Double-walls, Non-heating body, Auto Power Off, Dry tank Protection
48.98 лв.
* - Стоката е в склад на официалния вносител на марката за България. Времето за доставка е обикновено от 1 до 3 работни дни. Възможно е към момента на завършване на поръчката, продукта да е вече изчерпан. В случай на изчерпана наличност ще се свържем с Вас
+1 година: +10 лв.
+2 години: +15 лв.
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AENO Electric Kettle EK2
Perfect in design and functionality
Key points
Double walls
Strix® contact
Volume 1,5 L
Double walls
The inner layer which is in contact with the water is one-piece, has no seams and is made of AISI 304 steel. The outer layer is made of heat-resistant plastic. The air gap between the walls helps to keep the water hotter for longer while keeping the outer wall out of critical temperature reach.
Strix® contact group
The British company Strix is the No. 1 manufacturer in the world of heat controllers and contact groups for kettles. According to Strix's internal tests, the controllers provide upwards of 12,000 heating cycles.
AISI 304 steel
It is used for the manufacture of high quality utensils and kitchen appliances. Very strong, impact and acid-resistant, it can withstand short-term temperature rises of up to 900 degrees Celsius.
Limescale filter
Detains various limescale particles caused by use of lower-quality water. The service life of the filter is unlimited, as it is made of stainless steel.
360° rotation on the stand
for ease of use.
Product Hints
The kettle automatically turns off when it starts to boil, when there is too little or no water left, or when it is removed from the stand. In addition, the electric contact is hidden under a rubber seal, which prevents dust and moisture from entering.
Light indication
Illumination of the kettle button when in boiling mode.
Cord winding
Allows you to use the optimal length of the cord that is needed to reach the socket, with nothing extra dangling or getting in the way.
Rated Power
1850 - 2200 W
Maximum volume
1.5 L

Appliance TypeElectric Kettle
Име на маркетингов моделEK2
Kettle Capacity1.5 L
Търговско имеElectric Kettle Double wall EK2
Външен цвятБял
Protection SystemAuto Power Off
Boil-dry Protection
Материал на кутияПластмаса
Stainless Steel
Heater TypeHidden Heating Tube
Cord Length (m)0.75 m
Номинално тегло1.05 кг
Напрежение на входаAC 220-240 V
Честота на входа50/60 Hz
Nominal Output Power1850 W
Максимално изходно захранване2200 W
Kettle Power1850-2200 W
PP487.5г Recycle
PC8г Recycle
Boiling Time6 min
Макс. влажност на околния въздух55 %
Мин. работна влажност на въздуха25 %
ABS4г Recycle
PPE8г Not Recycle
POM2.7г Recycle

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